Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friendship Investment

On this journey of life we have the chance to make as many connections with many different kinds of people. Some become aquaintances, friends, really good friends and even some become your family.

That is why I am in the Marketing field. I consider myself ok in this network field of not-so-green pastures. I am ok here because let downs are easy to come by and successes are challenges worth fighting for.

I make it a habit to compliment 3 people a day, talk to at least one stranger at each airport I travel through and hear their story and ask how the cashier's day is going at the grocery store.

The journey is not an easy one, so why not make it a pleasant one along the way while I can?

I am the Stefanie that loves getting friends together from all different walks of life in hopes that my friends will become friends. It usually works and people clash well. I like to get along, I am not into jealousy or fighting. In the pastures of friends, I like to keep it green as often as I can. I put in extreme efforts and fight for them and let them know how valuable they are and that I cherish them and their opinions.

What is disappointing is when they let you down and dont make the same efforts you do. I understand that not everyone is like me. We are all different and are giving in our own unique way. When you make a nice gesture or go out of your way to do something, it is nice to receive a response. When there isn't one, you start to question things...and learn new things to gain new perspective. It does not take much effort to put in effort if you are willing to. Just; are you willing to?

This I have come to learn: My pasture of friends can vary and there can be many! Just there are fences with healthy boundaries. Some lie in friends and some lie in aquaintances. There are your tell everything to friend to I only socialize in public with you friend. The long time friend who you see every few years and feel like it was yesterday that you saw them and haven't missed a day friend. (Gotta love those!) Oh! And I can't forget to add the I just ran into you and act like they have been your best friend forever and talk crap behind your back friends too! Although I may be disappointed when a feel real friend turns into an aquaintance, I always remember that life is short. That is when I ask myself who is worth investing my time in? People I value and love are...but if it isn't being returned then its time to live and let live.