Wednesday, August 4, 2010

cross my Heart &....

"Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world...we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends."---Carrie Bradshaw


Mine are relationships. ive had some bad ones, let go of the toxic ones...and of course have been blessed with the most amazing people to call my best friends.

To have a strong friendship; you have to work at it to keep it.

break down walls, to only rebuild doors that open to the wholeness of your heart.

Im in the so called "quarter-life crisis in my time. i do not know where I am going next. but with my friends there, I have a firm support group to embrace me and my place in this world. we discuss honest experiences over a cup of coffee or even a glass of wine. we give advice, we listen, cry, laugh, almost pee our pants, sing, dance and even admit our faults & insecurities.

we Grow.

i Ponder...and even doubt. are the people who act like friends, and turn around & tell their opinions of me and my life choices & experiences to complete strangers? a crime has been committed.

they say Jealousy is the GREEN monster....but Gossip. a tall tale.

who cares. but when i see them next...or who i know who knows about my personal frustrated because they are judging me based off of another person's lips...& opinion. we are entitled to our feelings and opinions. understandable. but there's a line that's crossed when it involves me; personally.

i lose trust, regain reality consciousness...and a THICK boundary line is placed ahead of me in front of that person at all times. a breakup is on the verge. and my heart is broken.

people change. but can they learn from a behavior problem they may possibly not know about?

confrontation....ummm. that is never easy, & seems to never go well.

im at a point that cutting toxic behaviors out of my life is like snipping a strangling piece of thread from my favorite t-shirt. easy. right?

can justice be served? I may never know & i don't mind it.

the only thing I do that my true friends will always be there. We may not talk everyday because we live our own lives. we may not agree on everything. we have our own relationships. work odd hours. new jobs and re-locations... if we make plans and have to re-schedule an hour before, there isnt a feeling of rejection...there's an understanding. but there's an effort we make. a commitment to one another. an unnecessary unsaid pact. a union of trust.

to keep a secret and not say a word. cross my Heart &...

move forward.

Everyone has crossed my path in life for a reason. friend or not. I can look back & see what I have learned. tuck it in my pocket and never forget it. continue to give love...& friendship.

"me & you have sure been through our share of laughter and regrets. Lord knows we've had our bad days, and more than once we've can be so stubborn. I hope & pray I live to see the day you say I might be right. and there's times i'd rather kill you...than listen to your honesty. time and've been the one to take my hand and show to me its okay to be the way i am. with no apology. you've always been a friend to me. & you will til' God knows when."---GB

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