Monday, September 27, 2010

bridge over troubled water.

I don’t understand how people do not like to resolve problems. It’s not a Mathematical issue here. This is a personal issue. Where someone takes advantage of a friend…runs away from it and over a year later decided to walk back into my life by “adding” me on Facebook. With a message that says a hello, an invitation to coffee to catch up…and an “I miss us as friends.” With that in mind…can you see that I viewed it as a SHOCK factor and a “WOW! She’s making a brave step towards “resolving” a friendship?

I won’t mention any names here of course.

But Wikipedia’s definition states: wife of Abraham, Mother of Isaac as described in the Hebrew Bible. Indicates, and sometimes (SOMETIMES!) translates to “princess” and can ALSO mean “Lady.”

A lot of people would logically just do the easiest and maybe the obvious. Burn the Bridge.

Believe me, I have thought about it many times. And there have been many people recently in my life that it seems best to cut them out completely because of their bad behavior towards me. In all reality, that feeling only comes when Im not being very rational. Its when Im hurt and a little angry that I fantasize about lashing out at a B****! Saying how I really feel. But those actions I dream of are because I haven’t had time to actually think about it. Why react so quickly only to cause more problems?

So guess what? I gave this thing time. Not even a week later she decides to “add” my dearest friend. Who had been involved in getting treated the same way. You see, my dearest will not put up with bad behavior. So she took a few days, wrote her a very nice letter letting her know that what she did and how she treated us wasn’t appreciated. That we missed hanging out with her. But, if she wanted to talk it out and still be friends, it would delight her to do so.

An hour later…the friend request she sent my dearest was deleted. Then I was deleted. So I took it upon myself to send her a message. Letting her know I had forgiven her and moved on. What was in the past was the past. I invited her to coffee to also extend my grace to resolve this issue. No reply.

I got to thinking. What A coward! She hid behind technology to try at being friends again, then cannot take charge of her own mistakes. What a flop! Someone who makes a wrong decision at this age knows it. For someone to wanted to invite themselves back into my life and not be willing to talk…well in my book…is a waste of time and is very immature.

Friend; a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. Ally. Supporter.I believe in forgiveness and most of all change. People can change given certain circumstances. And given hers, you would think she would have a sensitive heart. Once again, I was proven right. And I am okay with that. Im okay with her not fitting the the true definition of what a friend should be. I am not the type to be out on the run to hurt anyone. Its when someone hurts me that I am more than willing to discuss feelings and make a change. Move on and leave it in the past. The thing is, I was blinded to think she wanted to do the same thing. How could I have just gone to coffee with her and have never brought it up for discussion?

Oh wait! I know! Wait an entire year to try again. Maybe, I will forget then...

The thing about this earth is; we are able to forgive. Sadly, pain is something we never forget.

If you don’t know how the story goes, the wife of Abraham died from a long life of grief.

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