Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday kind of Love

As I try and keep up with this weekly blog...well...the week has flown by. There is so much on my plate with work and planning a memorial golf tournament in less than 30 days (you can imagine my pinch!). I decided to take the last two days and spend it by sleeping in, visiting a local beach and enjoying the sound of the crashing waves while dreaming what it would be like to live in the sea life. Seems peaceful until you think of which sea-creature you would like to be...then what defense mechanism you have to take to avoid all of the other predators amongst you. Not so peaceful! I'll be a mermaid, instead. A fantasy...I think could be a bit more intense and I'd be alright.

I never sleep through an entire night. and in these last months, they come so rare. So when they do happen, i take in the moment, enjoy & dream pleasant dreams. I even had a chance to dream of my Grandpa the other day when I decided that waking up so early wasn't on my "to do list!" It felt so wonderful to give him the biggest hugs...and not only one...but as many as i wanted. almost like i was that 7 year old again just loving my grandpa for all that he was. He didn't look sickly as I recalled him on earth...he looked as I had remembered him when I was a young girl. his smile; radiant! and his belly full of joy & laughter. It felt good to wake up and know everything was going to be alright. and..that he was alright. right where he belonged.

So as i stayed in my comfy pj's... I felt like the day wasnt wasted away for the first time. I had no anxiety to rush and do something..or what it was I had to complete. I was surrounded with pure peace and love. Not only to remember that I need to take a break for "me" once in awhile...but to take a moment and enjoy the surroundings I have been blessed with everyday. I think we forget that sometimes...that we only live once. So why not take a time out and enjoy it? I think there are too many days where we rush to do so many things, and forget all of the small things that build up around us to make ourselves happy. Whether its the laughter of other children...or the scent of the ocean air...whatever it may be...enjoy it. Stop. & never forget that each day is a is not to be taken for granted.

"its not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true meaning of thanksgiving."-wt.purkiser

I just wanted to share my sunday kind of love.

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