Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tower, this is Ghostrider requesting a Flyby.


No.I am not talking about trying to walk while balancing a book on your head.

It exists in everything. Manners, Behavior, Words….the list goes on.

Where it slacks…?


"you can be my wingman anytime"-Iceman(topgun)

Last week, I’m out with my friend TK and when we catch up…we tell stories. And somehow TK always has the funniest experiences to share. So funny in fact; I even said that TK would be my next write.

SO! TK was on an outing with his wingman. And while enjoying a few beers, TK spots a young woman. (Now…Tk likes the young, dark mamacitas with big lips!) so he decides to do the gentleman thing, and he asks his waitress to send a drink over to her, BUT not to tell her who its from. This in fact is for TK to find out if she accepts the first drink, and the possibility to find out if she is “alone.” She ACCEPTS! After awhile, TK asks his waitress to send over another drink, this time revealing who its from. Eventually she goes over to the bar, and they start chit-chatting…soon to give out the digits. As they are enjoying their time; TKs wing-man stumbles back to the bar; puts his arm around TK and says “you know my friend here loves wetbacks!”

SHOCKED!!! The hot mamacita goes outside…and well you better bet; she left!
TKs game is officially ruined. Not only did the wingman ruin the moment, but how embarrassing?!

WingMan + TK = FAILED

There are substantial rules to being a good wingman. And not only does this go for MEN…but for us women too!

The first thing I could do was laugh. But in all reality, I was sorry for my friend. It’s not like time wasn’t on his side…his wingman wasn’t on his side. Literally crash and burn.

I decided to go on a people watch hunt while I was out at work and out with the loved ones for the last week or so. Then comes Friday night where I did a few interviews with some single men. Not only did I receive interesting answers…but everyone has their own style of how the wingman-ship should work. My conclusion:
Number 1: Responsiblility! …your wingman should NOT be completely intoxicated at the time of swoop!

“On any particular “mission” the wing is subservient to the team leader. His objective is to assist. In order to satisfy the objective, he must never cut in on the “target.”

Men occasionally have to take a “HIT” for the team. They have to distract her friends from “walking”.

“One has to call a point…and the other is the wing. He is then there to serve. Never hit on a target to distract obstacle or unattractive and jealous girlfriends, have good inflating things to say about the friend.”

As I was out on my mission. It was harder than I had expected. I interviewed right and left. Any possible man I could get that was single. And YES! Even a young good looking Man…who tied a zip up hoodie to his waist. He never quite answered me…so I figured his status type. But don’t they use a wingman too?!

As I am trying to draw my conclusions; I see my DEAR friend and she is talking with the best looking guy in the club….I was so proud of her for doing it alone. She didn’t even tell me where she went, what her plan was…or anything! Women always plan…over think…and then reason with themselves on why they shouldn’t follow through! (See men, we are difficult, and I am admitting it.!)...but there she was…getting ADVICE for me…for this blog.

Here are the official “WINGMAN RULES” to abide by:

*Always be there for your wingman. If you get shot down at least you'll go down together.
*Determine the Target(s).
*Before you approach the Target(s), establish who is the Pilot and who is the Wingman.
*Brief your wingman on the mission and its goals.
*Co-piloting is accepted and encouraged if there are multiple “quality” Targets.
*Don’t be selfish! Support, not personal gain, is imperative to being a great wingman.
*Never turn down your wingman if he picks a Target
*Always look out for your wingman's appearance & hygiene (i.e. - let him know if he has something in his teeth or hanging out of his nose). “Dude, you got a boog!”
*If you get shot down, be respectful. You never know if the Targets will change their mind or others could be watching. They could be friends of future Targets.
*Know your wingman. Chemistry is essential.
*Keep the Target's focus on the Pilot and their best qualities.
*Be willing to jump on a grenade for your wingman. ( I don’t recommend, but it happens)
*Never be jealous of your wingman. Know that his success is reflective of you mastering the Rules and that you are a great wingman! (get an ego boost!)
*Be open to advice from more experienced and successful wingmen. (i.e. The Silver Fox or Cougar)
*Never block (CB) your wingman!
-courtesy of

These can apply for a woman winging her best guy friend. I have helped numerous guy friends achieve a date…then there are the times where I have helped them avoid the crazies!And believe me, they exist. I am team girl...but some ladies need to get a grip!

I really hope this helps our irresponsible, unknowledgeable, shy, inappropriate wings we may have.

I have to say that I am thankful in my confidence and the best friends I could ever ask for. There have been times where we have all been in a hard place on the field, and we should all encourage the honest truth on how to participate the right way. For those of you that don’t want to do it alone…I hope I have encouraged you to further your experiences.

Please; play nice.

“I could take care of business on my own; before I was married”- Mike T.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!!!! Those wingman rules also apply with girls.
