Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October Love

After a Summer heat wave swept in from the North last week, the sunshine and warmth felt so good on my skin. The Sun is proven to cause an inner energy in humans that encourages strength and happiness.

As I was out with my friend Shan, I had run into a friend and a client. He was celebrating his Birthday and he mentioned that he loves reading my blogs and that they are very good. He said that the last two were downers to read. But in all reality, my challenge has been to write blogs every week. So I took it upon myself to write about how I was feeling and experiencing in my life.

The Sun is always out but sometime clouds cover up what could be a gorgeous day. And so what! I had a December kind of summer.

As I procrastinated to pack for my trip to Nashville, I quite enjoyed the rainy day. Craving a hot cup of cocoa and staying in my sweats. Lighting my favorite scented candles along with my favorite music.

Procrastination has its positive aspects sometimes. It wasn’t about getting everything done, but it was about taking my time to do it! I could enjoy the simple life to get prepare for a week of adventure and family celebrations to follow.

October Love, is what I call it. Where the leaves change colors and blissfully fall…it’s the crisp air right before winter. Where you can wear your favorite pair of jeans and a sweater, curl up on the couch and watch a good movie. It’s about getting comfortable. Slowing down and taking it all in.

One of the first college courses I took was humanities and the power of thinking. It had a lot to do with the brain. I remember my professor being so passionate about the human life. How he advised all 300 of us not to take it for granted. He said he hated to walk onto campus each morning and see someone texting or talking on their phones while they walked. Some days he wanted to steal the earphones that were in our ears, so that maybe we would start to pay attention to our surroundings. Let our senses direct us without any distractions. I still remember his voice and his composure. The shout of his voice that seemed intimidating to the immature, and inspiring to the matured one.

I have never forgotten that lesson that day. I try to absorb my surroundings and appreciate them. So I slow down and give someone a compliment rather than a mental judgment. I people watch and listen to people talk about Jesus, a sales pitch that just might convince me, the words in a song or even a simple smile and say “Have a great day!”

Life is too short to take for granted. So I hope you will remember to slow down this week. There’s no need to rush or stress…it doesn’t add anymore minutes to our day.

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